
Showing posts from May, 2017


Ransomware WannaCry Dear Friends, There is currently an outbreak of Ransomware , attacking and shutting down computers and workstations across the globe within networked organizations. International News Media BBC reports that this attack has affected over 99 countries with Russia, the United kingdom, and China being the most largely affected and over 60,000 computers invaded as at Friday 12th May. What is Ransomware? · Ransomware is type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system, either by locking the system's screen or by locking the users' files unless a ransom is paid Current Presentation. · When a system is infected, the ransomware locks up all files on the system and encrypts them in a way that users cannot access them anymore. A pop up window requesting for a ransom and instruction on how to pay will be displayed. How does the malware work and who is behind it? The infections seem to be deployed via a worm

DECISION MAKING (using Soccer analogy)

Neymar: If Messi has the ball I immediately run to the 18-yard area because I know he will cross the ball. Bale: If CR7 has the ball I immediately stop running because I know he won't pass to me. Martial: If Rooney has the ball I immediately turn and start defending because I know its going to result to a counter attack (as he would lose the ball to an opponent) Giroud: If Ozil has the ball, I try to find a place to hide but he will always find me with a pass. I'm tired of him. From the above you can actually give a name for the types of possible decision making style based on the analogy I used. 1. INDIVIDUAL/SELFISH decisions (CR7) 2. TEAM BASED/GROUP decisions (Ozil) 3. PROGRAMMED decisions (Messi) 4.  NON PROGRAMMED decisions (Rooney) There are actually much more and many other types of decision and there are several players I can use to denote them; such as Antonio Valencia decision, Walcott decision, Eden Hazard decision etc.. MORAL LESSONS: 


Who do you call an exceptional CIO? What qualifies a CIO to be called exceptional? The acronym CIO could represent several meaning but in this context, CIO refers to Chief Information Officer. Some organisations prefer to address their CIO as the Information Technology Director but whichever name is used, they are both concerned with the ICT aspect of an Organisation. CIO  is a job title commonly given to the most senior executive in an enterprise responsible for the information technology and computer systems that support enterprise goals. Generally, the CIO reports to the chief executive officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  It must also be mentioned at this point that the roles of both Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) are commonly blurred. CTOs are concerned with technology itself, whereas CIOs are much more concerned with its applications in the business and how this can be  MANAGED . More specifically,